v. Shanghai

"Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone."

Monday, August 31, 2015

Jet set, GO!

The morning started out rough. I did sleep last night, but I woke feeling as though I had been awake all night. Having to say goodbye to my family at the airport was hard. I knew it would be, but nothing could have prepared me for just how hard. Leading up to it I felt sick to my stomach. I didn't want to say goodbye, I hate goodbyes. But After a few tears, I pulled my big girl pants up and continued on, solo through security.

After getting through the security checkpoint I still felt rattled but also a strange relief that we survived the goodbyes. 
I feel like I've lived the past week with a pounding, racing heart. My nerves have been on edge and I have been riding a giant emotional pendulum. I will be rather relieved to arrive, settle in, and start working towards some equilibrium again.

The folks I've met on my flights and in the air have been lovely to talk to. The gentlemen sitting next to me on the flight from Seattle to Shanghai is traveling on business, he inspects ethanol plants around the world. He is ex-navy and a fellow thespian! we talked about theatre and when conversation settled and he brought up his movie of choice, he chose into the woods. He was excited that I had recently been in a production of that very show. I think you could say he fan-girled. 

So, Delta Comfort+....
I approve. You get lots more leg room, and on our long flight there are several empty seats in our cabin so we got to spread out. I have my own little cubby, I can stretch out, curl up, whatever! Also, dinner was decent. We had three choices of meals. I went with the chicken in red wine sauce. It came with mixed rice and veggies, a roll and cheese, a salad and a brownie for dessert. The portion sizes are small by American standards, but considering you're sitting and not doing much else, I think it's just right.

They also keep you hydrated or enebriated, depending on your preference. 2 hours in and they have come around with beverages 3-4 times. I lost count. 

The wifi works, though only the first hour is free. (Sorry for any typos, I'm not taking time to edit at the moment). 

The entertainment is great. There are touch screen tablet type things on the back of each seat. You get a wide selection of entertainment from HBO, to showtime to new releases and foreign films. I've been watching the last season of John Oliver's This Week Tonight. It's great. 

All the announcements are made in English and Mandarin. The safety speech was a video and it was actually funny and well done. It was the first time I watched a flight safety speech in a long time. 

I am rather enjoying the flight--as much as one can--and rather look forward to curling up and falling asleep. 

The flight attendants did come round with entry forms I have to fill out for customs. Just you general information. All of it's in my passport or visa, not sure why they need it again. But, whatever. 

All of this still seems very surreal. I don't know when it will feel real. It's like a weird out-of-body experience, dream sequence. 


  1. Tori!!! I'm so glad to hear that your travels are going well! It is amazing who you run into on your travels. :) I ran into a couple of wonderful people as I was traveling over to Indonesia. Everything will change, but my advice is laugh versus cry and embrace some of the differences and laugh about the rest. Learn about places near your new home, make the new place a relaxing, personal space, and invest in those around you.
    Love you and miss you!

  2. Yay!!! You made it!! Congratulations on this opportunity of a lifetime. Work hard, explore like crazy and just have fun!! I look forward to reading your blog as you take on Shanghai.
