v. Shanghai

"Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone."

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Days until Departure: 5
Getting blood drawn was
VERY distressing...
Cue the panic attacks!

Well, my to-do list has dwindled significantly in the past week. I received my VISA, purchased my ticket, did the shopping, ordered and received my foreign currency, figured out the phone situation, purchased a VPN (I'm using expressVPN; I'll let you know how it works once I've had the chance to test it out in Shanghai), several panic-attack-inducing immunizations, a near-fainting blood draw, several sleepless nights, a few mandarin lessons, hours of staring into the depths of the closet, tearful goodbyes to the shoes that won't fit in my suitcase, acquired and filled space bags, sorted out legalities and finances with the parentals who will act as my benefactor/liaison should something crazy happen, and have spent many hours with friends and family over good food, wine and spirits. It's been very busy around here...

(Oh! Mom2, if you're reading this, I fully expect editing notes from you.)

I had a bit of a breakdown the other day, but a dear friend was gracious enough to help me through it and let me cry on his shoulder. It's a strange feeling when you know you won't see a place or people for at least a year. You start wondering about all the things you're going to miss: holidays, birthdays, births, deaths, weddings, graduations, celebrations, hardships, the 2016 election campaign... (okay, that last one is a bit sarcastic, though I am rather excited to see how it goes...). These bemusings often land me in a moody funk, so I resort to writing, pinterest, music, dance, nature, or researching all the things to do and see in China to resurrect my soul from the primordial ooze of pre-exodus depression.

International Travel Tip #1: If your company is paying/reimbursing your flight, but maybe won't pay for upgrades (I upgraded to Delta Comfort+, again, a review of this service feature will appear sometime after I experience it), buy the ticket as you would, then you can go in after the initial purchase and upgrade the seat with your own cash-ola. For my 12 hour flight from Seattle to Shanghai it cost me $139 to upgrade. The advertised perks are more leg room (when you're 6' tall, this is reason enough to upgrade), complimentary drinks, wifi, foodstuffs, and priority boarding.

Travel Tip #2: SIGN UP FOR MILES! I wish I had done this years ago, I would have SO many more miles. And you don't NEED a credit card to do this! Just go to the airline's webpage (I am currently signed up with Alaska Airline Miles and Delta Skymiles), and signup with their respective program. Easy peasy!

It's strange to think how different my life will be in such a short amount of time. I can't even wrap my head around it.

Well, a bit more packing then I suppose I'm off to bed for some pre-snooze reading.


Currently Reading: Voyager. By, Diana Gabaldon

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